دکتر نیلوفر احمدلو

دکتر نیلوفر احمدلو

تخصص رادیوتراپی و آنکولوژی
شماره نظام پزشکی : 52762

Curriculum Vitae A. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name: Niloofar Last Name: Ahmadloo Date of Birth: 21 / 8 / 1970 Place of Birth: Shiraz, Iran Marital status: Single

ساعت حضور پزشک

  • شنبه،یکشنبه،سه شنبه
    از ساعت 16:00 الی 18:00 از ساعت الی

شماره تماس

بیوگرافی و رزومه دکتر نیلوفر احمدلو

Curriculum Vitae


Name: Niloofar

Last Name: Ahmadloo

Date of Birth: 21 / 8 / 1970

Place of Birth: Shiraz, Iran

Marital status: Single



             Department of Radiation Oncology

             Nemazee Hospital

             Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

             Shiraz 7193613311, Iran

             Tel: +98 713 6474320


             Fax: +98 713 6474320

             E mail: ahmadloo@sums.ac.ir


B. Education:


  1. Radiation Oncology, Speciality Board Qualified, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS),

                     Shiraz – Iran, 1999.

  1. M.D., Medical school, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz , Iran,1988 - 1995.

  2. Graduated from Sadat Rafei  high school, Shiraz-Iran 1988. 



     A-Present Positions:

  1. Assistant professor, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran , 2001 – till now. (position is hold )

  2. Educational deputy of Radiation Oncology Department, Nemazee Hospital, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, 2004- till now.( position is hold )

     B-Previous positions:

  1. General Practitioner, “Darab clinic”, Iran, 1995-1996.

  2. Residency of Radiation Oncology, 1996 – 1999, Department of Radiation Oncology , Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.

  3. Radiation Oncologist “Department of Radiation Oncology, Nemazee Hospital, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran,1999 -2001.


D. Teaching Experience:

Experience of teaching in the department of Radiation Oncology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, SHIRAZ – IRAN. 2001 till now.

Practical Experience:

Management of cancer patients with solid tumors and lymphomas with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy and immunotherapy. Particular experience in  chemoradiation in brain  and breast tumors .

Research experience:

Retrospective and Prospective studies in cancer therapy.

To Report unusual and rare drug reaction and complication.

To Report unusual and rare case presentation.

Awards and Scholarship:

  1. Top student in Fourth grades of high school examination at 12 Farvardin high school, Shiraz, Iran (1985-1988).

  2. First rank in the annual Iranian nation wide board examination among all   resident graduate from department of Radiation Oncology in Iran in 1999.

  3. School  on  synchrotron radiation  certificate in 2000

  4. Educational planning and teaching skill course certification in 2001.

  5. Teaching and Evaluation Skill certification in 2002

  6.  Research Work course certification in 2003

  7. Multimedia  course certification in 2003

  8.  Medical Profession Ethic Course certification  in 2004

  9.  M C Q course certification in 2006

  10. OSCE course certification in  2007

  11. Colorectal cancer  update meeting certification in 2007

  12. Medical  Journalism  course certification in  2007 and 2008



  1. Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N. Treatment results of tonsillar lymphoma: a 10-year experience. Ann Hematol 2005;84:223-6.

  2. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari Sh, Mosalaei A. Results of post-operative radiotherapy in patients with high risk gastric cancer. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH (JMR) Spring 2003; 1(3):43-49. [In Persian]

  3. Omidvari Sh, Ahmadloo N, Mosalaei A. Experience with adjuvant therapy in 117 patients with locally advanced breast cancer. ARCHIVES OF IRANIAN MEDICINE January 2004; 7(1):15-19.

  4. Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N. Cisplatin-induced hypokalemic paralysis. Clin Ther 2004;26:1320-3.

  5. Mohammadianpanah M, Torabinejad S, Bagheri MH, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N. Primary epidural malignant hemangiopericytoma of thoracic spinal column causing cord compression: case report. Sao Paulo Med J 2004;122:220-222.

  6. Mohammadianpanah M, Torabinejad S, Bagheri MH, Omidvari Sh, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N. Primary chondrosarcoma of phalanx. The Foot 2004;14:159–163.

  7. Omidvari SH, Khojasteh HN, Mohammadianpanah M, Monabati A, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N. Long-term pruritus as the initial and sole clinical manifestation of occult Hodgkin's disease. Indian J Med Sci 2004;58:250-2.

  8. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari Sh, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M. Effect of oral Sucralfate on side effects of external radiation therapy in patients with head and neck cancer. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH 1382;2:54-4 [In Persian]

  9. Mosalaei A, Larizadeh MH, Saalabian MJ, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Ahmadi Kohanali J. Comparison of radiotherapy with chemoradiotherapy for treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck: A randomized clinical trial. IRANIAN SOUTH MEDICAL JOURNAL 1381;1:40-36. [In Persian]

  10. Omidvari S, Nezakatgoo N, Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanahm M, Mosalaei A. Role of Intralesional Bleomycin in the Treatment of Complicated Hemangiomas: Prospective Clinical Study. Dermatol Surg 2005;31:499-501.

  11.  Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M. Does hyperfractionated radiotherapy change the outcome of head and neck cancer? A trial comparing conventional with hyperfractionated radiotherapy. MEDICAL JOURNAL OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN 2004;3:231-235.

  12.  Mohammadianpanah M, Saalabian MJ, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. The optimal time of adjuvant radiation therapy in Locoregional breast cancer. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH 1383;2:38-48. [In Persian]

  13.  Omidvari SH, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N. Glioblastoma multiforme 35 years after radiation therapy for Tinea Capitis. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH 1383;2:64-68. [In Persian]

  14.  Ahmadloo N, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M. Role of external irradiation in high-risk resected colon cancer. Indian J Cancer 2005;42:133-7.

  15.  Mohammadianpanah M, Vasei M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. Malignant spinal cord compression in cancer patients may be mimicked by a primary spinal cord tumour. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2006;15:497-500.

  16.  Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. High-dose rate brachytherapy in the treatment of carcinoma of uterine cervix: twenty-year experience with cobalt after-loading system. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2006;16:1101-5.

  17.  Omidvari S, Saboori H, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Mosleh-Shirazi MA, Jowkar F, Namaz S. Topical betamethasone for prevention of radiation dermatitis. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2007;73:209.

  18.  Mohammadianpanah M, Shirazi M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. Hemorrhagic cystitis in a patient receiving conventional doses of dacarbazine for metastatic malignant melanoma: case report and review of the literature. Clin Ther 2007;29:1161-5.

  19.  Omidvari Sh, Moslemi D, Lari Zadeh MH, Mosalaei A, Mohamadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N. Sensitivity and specificity of CA 15-3 in detection of breast cancer recurrence. JOURNAL OF KERMAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2005;3: 187-181. [In Persian]

  20. Saalabian MJ, Moslemi D, Larizadeh MH, Mosalaei A, Omidvari Sh, Mohamadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Ahmadi Kohanali J. The Results of Radiotherapy Versus No Radiotherapy of Internal Mammary Chain in Breast Cancer: the Results of 14 Years Therapy. JOURNAL OF RAFSANJAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2004;4:1-8. [In Persian]

  21. Mosalaei A, Heidari MH, Khademi B, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanah M. Effects of cisplatin on olfactory function in cancer patients receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy. The Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 2008;20:7-12. [In Persian]

  22. Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Mozaffari MA, et al. Primary localized stages I and II non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the nasopharynx: a retrospective 17-year single institutional experience. Ann Hematol 2009;88:441–447

  23. Ahmadloo N, Mozaffari MA, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Mosleh-Shirazi MA. Combined neoadjuvant chemotherapy and celecoxib in locally advanced breast cancer. Iranian Red Cres Med J 2009;11:419-424.

  24. Omidvari S, Nasrolahi H, Daneshbod Y, Bagheri N,Negaahban SH, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Mosalaei A. Cervical lymph node metastases from meningioma: Report of two cases and treatment outcome. Middle East Journal of Cancer 2010; 1: 45-49.

  25.  Ahmadloo N, Kasraian L, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. The Effect of Sucralfate in Prevention of Radiation- Induced Acute Proctitis. J Babol Univ Med Sci 20091;1:20- [In Persian]

  26.  Ahmadloo N, Bidouei F, Omidvari Sh, Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M. Pancreatic cancer in southern Iran. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal 2010;12:617-623.

  27. Mosalaei A, Nasrolahi H, Shafizad A, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Mosleh-Shirazi MA, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpana M. Effect of oral zinc sulphate in prevention of radiation induced oropharyngeal mucositis during and after radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancers. Middle East Journal of Cancer 2010; 1: 69-76.

  28. Omidvari S, Shafizad A, Razmjou-Ghalaei S, Zasrolahi H, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Mosleh-Shirazi MA, Mohammadianpanah M. Efficacy of topical honey, topical hydrocortisone 1% and simple washing on healing of radiation-induced dermatitis in breast cancer patients. Journal of Isfahan Medical School 2010;1-9. [In Persian]

  29. Ahmadloo N, Bidouei F, Mosleh-Shirazi MA, Omrani GH, Omidvari Sh, Mosalaei A, Ansari M, Ahmadi HK, Mohammadianpanah M. Impact of scattered radiation on testosterone deficiency and male hypogonadism in rectal cancer treated with external beam pelvic irradiation. Middle East Journal of Cancer 2010; 1: 115-122.

  30. Ahmadloo N, Bidouei F, Omidvari Sh, Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M. Bony calvarium as the sole site of metastases in squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Middle East Journal of Cancer 2010;1:185-188.

  31. Omidvari Sh, Nasrolahi H, Ansari M, Ahmadloo N, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M. Dramatic response of a case of recurrent basal cell carcinoma to systemic chemotherapy. Middle East Journal of Cancer 2010;1:181-184.

  32. Ansari1 M, Omidvari1 S, Mosalaei1 A, Ahmadloo1 N, Mosleh-Shirazi1 MA, Mohammadianpanah M. A Phase II Study of Docetaxel, Cisplatin and 5- Fluorouracil (TPF) In Patients with Locally Advanced Head and Neck Carcinomas. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2011;13:187-191.

  33. Sefidbakht S, Ashouri-Taziani Y, Hoseini S, Ansrai M, Ahmadloo N, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Nasrolahi H, Mohammadianpanah M. A Sign Mimicking Skeletal Metastases in a Cancer Patient. Middle East J 2011;2:37-41.

  34. Omidvari S, Hosseini S, Ashouri Y, Tahmasebi S, Talei A, Nasrolahi H, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M. Comparison of Docetaxel, Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide (TAC) with 5-Fluorouracil, Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide (FAC) Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: A Phase III Clinical Trial. Middle East J 2011;2:51-58.

  35. Mohammadianpanah M, Razmjou-Ghalaei S, Shafizad A, Ashouri-Taziani Y, Khademi B, Ahmadloo N, et al. Efficacy and safety of concurrent chemoradiation with weekly cisplatin±low-dose celecoxib in locally advanced undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A phase II-III clinical trial. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2011;7:442.

  36. Mohammadianpanah M, Ashouri Y, Hoseini S, Ahmadloo N, Talei A, Tahmasebi S, Nasrolahi H, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ansari M. The efficacy and safety of neoadjuvant chemotherapy+/− letrozole in postmenopausal women with locally advanced breast cancer: a randomized phase III clinical trial. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2011:1-9.

  37. Ansari M, Nasrolahi H, Kani AA, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. Pediatric glioblastoma multiforme: A single-institution experience. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol. 2012 Jul;33(3):155-60. doi: 10.4103/0971-5851.103142.

  38. Ahmadloo N, Kani AA, Mohammadianpanah M, Pishdad P, Khademi B, Nasrolahi H, Mahdavi S, Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari  S. The efficacy and safety of induction chemotherapy with docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil (TPF) in treating patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences (2012) 13, 107–112.

  39. Omidvari S,  Nasrolahi H,            Kani AA, Ahmadloo N, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M,      Ansari M. Long-term Survival of Six Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme: Case Series and Review of the Literature. Middle East J Cancer 2012; 3(2 & 3): 79-83.

  40. Ahmadloo N, Kani AA, Mohammadianpanah M, Nasrolahi H, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, et al. Treatment outcome and prognostic factors of adult glioblastoma multiforme. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 2012.

  41. Ansari, Mansour, Hamid Nasrolahi, Amir Abbas Kani, Seyed Hasan Hamedi, Samira Razzaghi, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Shahpour Omidvari, and Ahmad Mosalaei. Primary Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of Stomach: To Report 54 Patients and Analysis of Major Reported Series. Lymphoma 2013;2013.

  42. Ahmadloo N, Kani A-A, Mohammadianpanah M, Nasrolahi H, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, et al. Treatment outcome and prognostic factors of adult glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute 2013;25:21-30.

  43. Omidvari S, Hamedi SH, Mohammadianpanah M, Razzaghi S, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, et al. Comparison of abdominoperineal resection and low anterior resection in lower and middle rectal cancer. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute 2013;25:151-160.

  44. Mansour Ansari FF, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanah M. Efficacy of Topical Alpha Ointment (Containing Natural Henna) Compared to Topical Hydrocortisone (1%) in the Healing of Radiation-Induced Dermatitis in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Iranian journal of medical sciences 2013;38:293.

  45. Ansari M, Dehsara F, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. Treatment Results and Prognostic Indicators in Thymic Epithelial Tumors: A Clinicopathological Analysis of 45 Patients. Iranian journal of medical sciences 2014;39:341.

  46. Ahmadloo, N., Moaddabshoar, L., Nasrolahi, H., Omidvari, S., Hamedi, S.H., Mosalaei, A., Ansari, M., Mohammadianpanah M. The Efficacy and Safety of Gemcitabine Plus Paclitaxel Compared to Doxorubicin Plus Cyclophosphamide as Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Cancer Prevention & Current Research 2015;3:00102.

  47. Ansari M, Dehsara F, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. Treatment Results and Prognostic Indicators in Thymic Epithelial Tumors: A Clinicopathological Analysis of 45 Patients. Iranian journal of medical sciences 2014;39:341-349.

  48. Omidvari, S., Hamedi, S.H., Moaddabshoar, L., Nasrollahi, H., Daneshbod, Y., Mosleh-Shirazi, M.A., Ansrai, M., Mohammadianpanah, M., Ahmadloo, N., Mosalaei, A. Paratesticular liposarcoma; a case report. Iranian Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014;7:239-243.

  49. Omidvari S, Razzaghi S, Zamani A, Nasrolahi H, Hamedi SH, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Pourahmad S, Mohammadianpanah M. Rate and Time of Ovarian Function Restoration in Menopausal Breast Cancer Patients Who Received Letrozole Following Chemotherapy. Middle East Journal of Cancer 2015;6:35-42.

  50. Omidvari S, Talei A, Tahmasebi S, Moaddabshoar L, Dayani M, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M. Lack of Prognostic Impact of Adjuvant Radiation on Oncologic Outcomes in Elderly Women with Breast Cancer. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 2015;16:7813.

  51. Omidvari S, Zohourinia S, Ansari M, Ghahramani L, Zare-Bandamiri M, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Pourahmad S, Nasrolahi H, Hamedi SH, Mohammadianpanah M. Efficacy and safety of low-dose-rate endorectal brachytherapy as a boost to neoadjuvant chemoradiation in the treatment of locally advanced distal rectal cancer: a phase-II clinical trial. Annals of coloproctology 2015;31:123-130.

  52. Ahmadloo N, Moaddabshoar L, Nasrolahi H, Omidvari S, Hamedi SH, Mosalaei A, Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M. The Efficacy and Safety of Gemcitabine Plus Paclitaxel Compared to Doxorubicin Plus Cyclophosphamide as Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Cancer Prevention & Current Research 2015;3:00102.

  53. Hatam N, Askarian M, Javan-Noghabi J, Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanah M. Cost-Utility of" Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide" versus" Gemcitabine and Paclitaxel" for Treatment of Patients with Breast Cancer in Iran. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 2015;16:8265-8270.

  54. Ansari M, Porouhan P, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Nasrollahi H, Hamedi SH. Efficacy of Ginger in Control of Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Doxorubicin-Based Chemotherapy. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(8):3877-80.

  55. Ahmadloo N , Kadkhodaei B, Omidvari Sh, Mosalaei A, Ansari M, Nasrollahi H, Hamedi SH, Mohammadianpanah M. Lack of Prophylactic Effects of Aloe Vera Gel on Radiation Induced Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2017 Apr 1;18(4):11391143.

  56. Ansari M , Mosalaei A , Ahmadloo N , Rasekhi A , Geramizadeh B , Razmkon A , Anvari K , Afarid M , Dadras A , Nafarieh L , Mohammadianpanah M , Nasrolahi H , Hamedi SH , Omidvari S , Nami M . A comprehensive approach in highgrade glioma management: position statement from the NeuroOncology Scientific Club (NOSC), Shiraz, Iran. GMS German Medical Science 2017, Vol. 15, ISSN 1612-3174.

  57. Shapour Omidvari,Hamid Nasrolahi, Behnam Kadkhodaei,Seyed Hasan Hamedi, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mansour Ansari,Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, 3and Ahmad Mosalaei. Primary Pancreas Sarcoma, Optimal Treatment and Prognostic Factors. Rep Radiother Oncol. 2015 September; 2(3):e5126.

  58. Mansour Ansari, Behnam Kadkhodaei, Mehdi Shariat, Abdolrasoul Talei, Majid Akrami, Vahid Zangouri, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Sayed Hasan Hamedi, Hamid Nasrolahi,Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad Mosalaei. Prognostic Impact of Adjuvant Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients with One to Three Positive Axillary Lymph Nodes. Middle East Journal of Cancer; January 2018; 9(1): 19-25.

  59. Hamid Nasrollahi, Bita Geramizadeh, Mansour Ansari, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Shapour Omidvari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Ahmad Mosalaei. Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region: A Case Report. Middle East Journal of Cancer; April 2018; 9(2): 165-169.

  60. Hajar Dehghan, Ali Keshtkaran, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Zahra Bagheri, Nahid Hatam. Patient Involvement in Care and Breast Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life- a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 19 (9), 2511-2517.

  61. Javad Javan‑Noughabi, Aziz Rezapour, Aziz Kassani, Nahid Hatam, Niloofar Ahmadloo. The cost‑effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in women with locally advanced breast cancer: Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide in comparison with paclitaxel and gemcitabine. J Res Med Sci 2018;23:57.

  62. Hamid Nasrolahi, Sepideh Mirzaei, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Mohammad Ali Bananzadeh, Maral Mokhtari, Mohammad Reza Sasani, Ahmad Mosalaei, Shapour Omidvari, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Seyed Hasan Hamedi, Nezhat Khanjani. Efficacy and Feasibility of Adding Induction Chemotherapy to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Phase II Clinical Trial. Ann Coloproctol 2019 pISSN 2287-9714 eISSN 2287-9722.

  63. Nezhat Khanjani, Sepideh Mirzaei, Hamid Nasrolahi, Seyed Hasan Hamedi, Ahmad Mosalaei, Shapour Omidvari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mansour Ansari, Fatemeh Sobhani and Mohammad Mohammadianpanah. Insufficient lymph node assessment in gastric adenocarcinoma. Khanjani et al. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute (2019) 31:2.

  64. Hamid Nasrollahi M.D.; Roqayeh Sadat Jahangard M.D.; Nazanin Joukar M.D.;Nadereh Shamsolvaezin Ph.D.; Mohammadreza Sasani M.D.; Mansour Ansari M.D.; Niloofar Ahmadloo M.D.; Hassan Hamedi M.D.; Shapour Omidvari M.D.; Ahmad Mosalaei M.D. . Oropharyngel Extramedullary Plasmacytoma; A Case Report. Canon journal of medicine 2019: 61- 64.

  65. Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Hamid Nasrollahi, Mohammad Reza Sasani, Vahid Zangouri, Nadereh Shamsolvaezin, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad Mosalaei. Colon Cancer with Metastasis to the Right Atrium: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Middle East J Cancer 2020; 11(4): 507-511.

  66. Ahmad Mosalaei, Majdaddin Rajaei, Hamid Nasrollahi, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Shapour Omidvari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mansour Ansari, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah. A Comparison of Early Side-Effects of Short Course and Long Course Radiotherapy in Rectal Cancer. Middle East J Cancer 2020.

  67. Shapour Omidvari, Zahra Eskandari, Hamid Nasrollahi, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mansour Ansari, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Nezhat Kanjani, Behnam Kadkhodaei, Ahmad Mosalaei, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah. The Investigation of Prophylactic Effect of StrataXRT Gel on Radiation Induced Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients. Middle East J Cancer 2021.

  68. Alimohammad Bananzadeh, Ali Akbar Hafezi, NamPhong Nguyen, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad Mosalaei, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mansour Ansari, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah. Efficacy and safety of sequential neoadjuvant chemotherapy and short-course radiation therapy followed by delayed surgery in locally advanced rectal cancer: a single-arm phase II clinical trial with subgroup analysis between the older and young patients. Radiation Oncology Journal 2021: pISSN 2234-1900 · eISSN 2234-3156.



  1. M Mohammadianpanah, B Gramizadeh, Sh Omidvari, A Mosalaie,             N Ahmadloo. Radiation-Induced Chondrosarcoma of Maxillary Sinus: Report of a Case. [Presented at the 16th international congress of geographic medicine, advances in basic and clinical oncology, Shiraz, Iran, December 1-4 2003].

  2. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari Sh, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M. Effect of Sucralfate in Reducing Radiation Side Effects in Head and Neck Cancer. [Presented at the 16th international congress of geographic medicine, advances in basic and clinical oncology, Shiraz, Iran, December 1-4 2003].

  3. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari Sh, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M. Adjuvant Chemoradiation versus Chemotherapy Alone for High-Risk Resected Colon Carcinoma. [Presented at the 16th international congress of geographic medicine, advances in basic and clinical oncology, Shiraz, Iran, December 1-4 2003].

  4. A Mosalaei, A Talei, M Arasteh, S Benrazavi, Sh Omidvari, M Mohammadianpanah, N Ahmadloo. Is Preoperative Abdominal Sonogram Necessary in Breast Cancer? [Presented at the 16th international congress of geographic medicine, advances in basic and clinical oncology, Shiraz, Iran, December 1-4 2003].

  5. A Mosalaei, Sh Omidvari, N Ahmadloo, M Mohammadianpanah. Role of Radiation in Prophylaxis of CNS Recurrence in Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. [Presented at the 16th international congress of geographic medicine, advances in basic and clinical oncology, Shiraz, Iran, December 1-4 2003].

  6. Sh. Omidvari, N. Nezakatgoo, A. Mosalaei, N. Ahmadloo, M. Mohammadianpanah. Intralesional Injection of Bleomycin in Complicated Hemangiomas. [Presented at the 16th international congress of geographic medicine, advances in basic and clinical oncology, Shiraz, Iran, December 1-4, 2003].

  7. Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. Treatment results of tonsillar lymphoma. [The second Franco-Iranian medical Congress. advances in the treatment of cancer, Tehran, Iran, May 16-17, 2003].

  8. Mohammadianpanah M, Saalabian MJ, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N. sequencing of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in breast cancer. [The second Franco-Iranian medical Congress. advances in the treatment of cancer, Tehran, Iran, May 16-17, 2003].

  9. Khojasteh HN, Omidvari SH, Ramzi M, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Mosalaei A. Pamidronate can effectively control the pain of various metastatic bone disease. [The First International Congress of Anesthesiology and Perioperative medicine and seventh Iranian congress of Anesthesia and critical care. Shiraz, Iran.

  10. Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari Sh, Ahmadloo N. THE RESULT OF RADIOTHERAPY AFTER NEPHRECTOMY IN 40 PATIENTS WITH RENAL CELL CARCINOMA. [Presented at the 17th international congress of geographic medicine, Renal Disease and Hypertension, Shiraz, Iran, November 23-25, 2003].

  11. Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Zohreh Karamizadeh, Ali Haghnegahdar, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei, Niloofar Ahmadloo. Glioblastoma multiforme in a 15-year-old female with turner syndrome: Report of a case. [Presented at the 5th national Iranian congress of hematology & oncology, and nursing meeting, Shiraz, Iran, June 22-24, 2005].

  12. Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, A.R Talei, Ahmad Monabati, S.B. Hashemi, Ahmad mosalaei, Shapour Omidvari, Niloofar Ahmadloo. Metachronous coincidence of laryngeal and gastric cancer. [Presented at the 5th national Iranian congress of hematology & oncology, and nursing meeting, Shiraz, Iran, June 22-24, 2005]

  13.  Mohammadianpanah M, Khademi B, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of salivary gland. 18th international Annual Meeting of The Cancer Institute of Iran: Head and neck Tumors.

  14. Mohammadianpanah M, Khademi B, Ahmadloo N. Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. Hodgkin’s disease of the palatine tonsil. 18th international Annual Meeting of The Cancer Institute of Iran: Head and neck Tumors.

  15. N. Ahmadloo, M. Mohammadianpanah, A. Mosalaei, S. Omidvari. A Double Primary Tumor: Metachronous Coincidence of Brain Meningioma and Thoracic Vertebral Body Fibrosarcoma. 9th annual congress of pathology and 3rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society.

  16. Mohammadianpanah M, Geramizadeh B, Ahmadloo N. Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. Suprasellar ependymoma mimicking pituitary adenoma. 9th annual congress of pathology and 3rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society.

  17. N. Ahmadloo, S. Omidvari, A. Mosalaei, M. Mohammadianpanah. Secretory breast carcinoma: report of a case. 9th annual congress of pathology and 3rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society.

  18. N. Ahmadloo, M. Mohammadianpanah, A. Mosalaei, S. Omidvari. Squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladder: report of a case. 9th annual congress of pathology and 3rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society.

  19.  Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M. Acute disseminated intravascular coagulation In a patient with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Congress. March 2007.

  20. Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Ansari M. Complete response of a recurrent advanced breast cancer treated with letrozole alone. Breast Cancer Congress. March 2007.

  21. Mosalaei A, Ansari M, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N. Breast Cancer Risk Factors. Breast Cancer Congress. March 2007.

  22. Mosalaei A, Ansari M, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N. Adjuvant post-operative radiotherapy In operable node positive breast cancer: a comparison of two treatment techniques. Breast Cancer Congress. March 2007.

  23. Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N. The role of Tamoxifen in non invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. Breast Cancer Congress. March 2007.

  24.  Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N. The role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer. Breast Cancer Congress. March 2007.

  25. Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Khademi B, Mosalaei A. adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck. 10th annual congress of pathology and 4rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society. Tehran, Iran (2008)

  26. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A. An unusual presentation of malignant melanoma. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2008)

  27. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A. metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of inteastinal bowel with unknown primary site. Clinical Oncology Congress. Mashhad, Iran (2008)

  28. Mohammadianpanah M, Khademi B, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. Clinical and pathological chrematistics of sinonasal neoplasms in adulthood. Clinical Oncology Congress. Mashhad, Iran (2008)

  29. Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. Primitive neuroectodermal tumor in a 26 y/o lady. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2008)

  30. Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. oligodendroglioma of the brain with cervical lymph node metastasis. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2008)

  31. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A. Multicentric glioblastoma multiforme: report of two cases. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2008)

  32. Ansari M, Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Mosleh-Shiraz MA. A review of triple-negative breast cancer. 12th annual congress of pathology and 6rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society. Tehran, Iran (2010)

  33.  Mohammadianpanah M, Ansari M, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Khademi B, Nasrolahi H. Undifferentiated carcinoma of the sinonasal tract. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2010).

  34. Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Pishdad P. Cardiac metastasis of choriocarcinoma: A case report. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2010).

  35. Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Nasrolahi H, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A. The number of dissected sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer patients. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2010).

  36. Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N, Mosleh-Shiraz MA. Management of esophageal and gastroesophageal junction tumors. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2010).

  37. Ahmadloo N, Bidouei F, Omidvari S Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Nasrolahi H, Mohammadianpanah M. Clinical characteristics, prognostic factors and treatment outcome of patients with pancreatic cancer: An analytical review of the literature. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2010).

  38. Mohammadianpanah M, Ansari M, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Khademi B, Nasrolahi H. Undifferentiated carcinoma of the sinonasal tract. Annual meeting of clinical oncology, Tehran, Iran, (2010).

  39. Ahmadloo N, Mohammadianpanah M, Ansari M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Pishdad P. A large B-cell lymphoma of maxilla: A case report. Clinical oncology congress, Keman, Iran, (2010).

  40. Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Nasrolahi H. Pituitary carcinoma in a 21 year old man. 12th annual congress of pathology and 6rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society. Tehran, Iran (2010).

  41. Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Mosleh-Shiraz MA. A review of triple-negative breast cancer. 12th annual congress of pathology and 6rd annual congress of Iranian cancer Society. Tehran, Iran (2010).

  42. Mohammadianpanah M, Nasrolahi H, Ansari M, Ahmadloo N, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A. The rate of thyroid disease among women with breast cancer. 6th international breast cancer congress, Tehran, Iran, (2011)

  43. Ghahramani L, Ansari M, Mosalei A, Omidvari S, Ahmadloo N, Nasrolahi H, Mohammadianpanah M, Pourahmad S. Insufficient lymph node evaluation in resected colorectal cancers. 8th annual congress of clinical oncology, Isfahan, Iran (2013)

  44. Omidvari S, Mansour A, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Nasrolahi H, Hamedi SH, Mohammadianpanah M. Squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal. 8th annual congress of clinical oncology, Isfahan, Iran (2013)

  45. Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Nasrolahi H. High grade sarcoma of periampullary region: A case report. 8th annual congress of clinical oncology, Isfahan, Iran (2013)

  46. Ahmadloo N, Ansari M, Omidvari S, Mohammadianpanah M, Mosalaei A, Nasrolahi H. Small Cell Carcinoma of Gastroesophageal Junction: report of a case and review of literature.

  47. Ansari M, Mohammadianpanah M, Omidvari S, Mosalaei A, Ahmadloo N, Nasrollahi H, Hamedi S, Porouhan P. 381PEfficacy of ginger (G) in control of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in breast cancer patients (BCPs) receiving doxorubicin-based chemotherapy (DBCT), In Annals of Oncology, Oxford University Press, 2015.

  48. Ahmadloo N, Zmidvari S, Ansari M, Mosalaei A, Mohammadianpanah M, Hamedi SH, Nasrolahi H. Long term survival in breast cancer with liver metastasis. The 10th annual congress of clinical oncology, Shiraz, Iran (2015).

  49. Niloofar Ahmadloo , Shapour Omidvari , Ahmad Mosalaei , Mansour Ansari , Mohammad Mohammadianpanah , Hamid Nasrollahi , Seyed Hassan Hamedi , Nezhat Khanjani. Breast Cancer with late onset choroidal metastasis: A case report. Shiraz International Surgical Oncology Congress, Shiraz, Iran (2018).

  50. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare_BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. Retroperitoneal sarcoma, an uncommon and challenging tumor. Shiraz International Surgical Oncology Congress, Shiraz, Iran (2018).

  51. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. Head and neck sarcomas, an uncommon cancer and report of single center. Shiraz International Surgical Oncology Congress, Shiraz, Iran (2018).

  52. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. Sarcoma of extremities, a single center report. Shiraz International Surgical Oncology Congress, Shiraz, Iran (2018).

  53. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. Sarcoma of extremities, a single center report. The 3rd International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2018).

  54. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. Head and neck sarcomas, an uncommon cancer and report of single center. The 3rd International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2018).

  55. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. Sarcoma of chest wall, report of 33 cases. The 3rd International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2018).

  56. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. A case of GBM with long term survival (10 years). The 3rd International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2018).

  57. Hamid Nasrollahi, Elahe Aghel, Mohammad Zare BandAmiri, Seyed Hassan Hamedi, Mehdi Shariat, Mansour Ansari, Niloofar Ahmadloo, Mohammad MohammadianPanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad mosalaei. Refractory folliculitis keloidalis nuchea treated with external irradiation. The 3rd International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2018).

  58. Mansour Ansari, Hamid Nasrollahi, Majdaddin Rajaei, Seyed Hasan Hamedi, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad Mosalaei, Niloofar Ahmadloo. Radiotherapy in rectal cancer, comparing early side effects in a prospective study. The 4th International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2019).

  59. Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Mansour Ansari, Hamid Nasrollahi, Seyed Hasan Hamedi, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad Mosalaei, Niloofar Ahmadloo. Study of clinical and pathological features of patients with malignant salivary gland tumor of head and neck and their treatment outcome in all pt came to radiotherapy and oncology center of namazi hospital since 2005 2015. The 4th International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2019).

  60. Mansour Ansari, Hamid Nasrollahi, Seyed Hasan Hamedi, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah, Shapour Omidvari, Ahmad Mosalaei, Niloofar Ahmadloo. Reporting a rare case with oropharyngel extramedullary plasmacytoma. The 4th International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2019).

  61. Niloofar Ahmadloo MD, Ahmad Mosalaei MD, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah MD, Shapour Omidvari MD, Mansour Ansari MD, Hamid Nasrollahi MD, Seyed Hassan Hamedi MD, Nezhat Khanjani MD, Behnam Kadkhodaei MD. A 10 year old boy with choroidal hemangioma: report of a case. The 4th International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2019).

  62. Niloofar Ahmadloo MD, Nezhat Khanjani MD, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah MD, Shapour Omidvari MD, Ahmad Mosalaei MD, Mansour Ansari MD, Hamid Nasrollahi MD, Seyed Hassan Hamedi MD , Behnam Kadkhodaei MD. Successful treatment of refractory acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN) with external irradiation. The 4th International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2019).

  63. Niloofar Ahmadloo MD, Hamid Nasrollahi MD, Mojgan Akbarzadeh MD, Alireza Tavassoli MD, Shapour Omidvari MD, Ahmad Mosalaei MD, Mansour Ansari MD, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah MD, Seyed Hassan Hamedi MD , Behnam Kadkhodaei MD, Nezhat Khanjani MD. Primary high grade papillary serous carcinoma of cervix: a case report. The 4th International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2019).

  64. Niloofar Ahmadloo MD, Mansour Ansari MD, Mohammad Mohammadianpanah MD, Ahmad Mosalaei MD, Shapour Omidvari MD, Seyed Hassan Hamedi MD , Hamid Nasrollahi MD, Nezhat Khanjani MD, Behnam Kadkhodaei MD. Long term survival in a man with metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma: a case report. The 4th International Clinical Oncology Congress, Tehran, Iran (2019).


Research Interests:

  1. Retrospective and Prospective studies in cancer therapy, particularly in brain tumors, and breast carcinoma and GYN cancers.

  2. Study of brachytherapy

  3. Study of novel drugs and radiosensitizers combined with radiation in cancer therapy.

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